Beetroot & Orange Salad with Capers
I made up this salad to go with some lovely sea bass we were barbecuing. Check out that recipe here.
Serves 4
2 small beetroot, roasted and peeled
1 orange, segmented (save the juice as you segment it!)
A bag of Laurelbank organic salad leaves
1 tablespoon olive oil
2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar
2 teaspoons of capers, roughly chopped
salt & pepper
Roast the beetroot, using your preferred method. If you have the BBQ lit, try wrapping them in foil and roasting in the coals - Alternatively I put them in a casserole dish with a splash of olive oil and pinch of sea salt, then roast with the lid on in the oven at 160*C for 30 minutes or until they are tender. You can check they are soft by piercing them with a sharp knife.
Segment the orange and save the juice. My preferred method is to use a sharp knife to chop the top and bottom off the orange. Then standing it on a chopping board, carefully remove all the skin (and pith) using downward slices, following the shape of the orange. Once the orange is entirely peeled, you can cut the segments of out the pith using a knife. Hold the orange over a bowl while you do this, then squeeze the handful of pith to remove all the remaining juice once you’re done.
To the make dressing, put the olive oil, cider vinegar, most of the orange juice, chopped capers and salt and pepper into a jar and then shake well. Taste and adjust the seasoning. Then dress the leaves with the dressing.
Plate up the salad, layering up the leaves, beetroot and orange. Garnish with nasturtium petals if you have some close to hand.